Acres4Change is excited to announce that we have purchased our first parcel of land to establish the Sankofa Farm Collective in West Baltimore.

BIPOC Land Matters
Creating economic stability through land access and ownership, professional development, and racial healing.
Grant Awards.
We are proud to announce the award of a two-year grant from the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. This funding will allow us to better train and support our Stewards as they work towards becoming farmers, community educators, and land owners. This investment will ensure the success of our inaugural Stewardship Program and build a solid foundation for future growth.
Thank you to the Earth Rising Foundation for their $20K grant to support our Stewardship Program and the launch of our spent mushroom substrate compost operation.
Innovation Works Baltimore has supported our work from the very beginning. In addition to providing mentoring services for our staff and Stewards, Acres4Change received a grant from Ignite Capital for the mushroom farm retrofit.
We’re excited to announce that we won the 2021 Echoing Green Social Innovation Challenge in the economic justice category! This will set us up for internal capacity building and program implementation! The award money will allow us to launch our pilot program spring 2022. We are so appreciative to have been in the company of 12 other dynamic innovators and thank Echoing Green for seeing a promising future in us!