

Board Membership

Acres4Change seeks passionate and dedicated professionals to join the organization’s Board of Directors with expertise in the following fields:

  • Real Estate: Attorney, Realtor, Surveyor, Title Expert, Developer

  • Business/Finance: Accountant, Investment Manager, Attorney

  • Fundraising/Development: Grant Writer, Event Planner

  • Communications: Marketing, Public Relations, Website and Social Media

  • Sustainable Agriculture: Farmer, Homesteader

  • Government: Policy

  • Non-Profit: Diversity Equity Inclusion, Program Evaluation, Professional Development, Personnel, Human Resources, Advocacy, Attorney

Send an email to pertula@acres4change.org if you are interested in serving as a mentor to our Stewards or member of the board of directors. Board Members are required to attend quarterly Board meetings, serve on a committee, participate in Board education events, and contribute to the sustainability of Acres4Change.

Thank you for your service!